I assist you finding your way.

Student’s counseling

Countless students, far too few teachers. Supervision and counseling of individual students is a rare commodity.

I can help you! Whatever problem you may encounter in your life science studies – get in touch and I will suggest a concept for supervision and guidance, be it professional help with homework, decisions about a future career path, or a crisis of meaning in your life science studies. You get the individual support, for which there is too little time and staff and your university.

I can advise/supervise you individually, or you may recruit colleagues of yours into a learning and working group. At the beginning of our collaboration, we have a meeting in which we agree to a concept including scope or content of the coaching services provided. We also need to clarify whether my expertise is appropriate and sufficient for your specific problem.

Career planning

Bachelor, Master, PhD … done … but what now?

An academic career? Lab technician? Teaching? Or … what other possibilities are there anyway?

You consider an education in the life sciences? You want to know whereto a biomedical degree might lead? What will be hot and what not in the life sciences when the end of your education draws near. If you start in time to plan your career path, you will achieve goals that you did not even know existed.

I’ve come a long way and have seen much of the life sciences: In the health care sector as a pediatric and medical oncologist; in biomedical research at various academic institutions at home and abroad; as the founder of a biotech company and its long-time managing director; as part of a larger international pharmaceutical company; as a science writer; and much more.

I can assist you in answering questions regarding your potential career. I can show you the unexpectedly wide range of job opportunities in biotechnology and in the pharmaceutical industry. I can draw your attention to occupations in the field of science, from patent law to research funding to venture capital financing. There are unimagined opportunities for life scientists in addition to pipetting in an academic research laboratory. You just have to know them in order to be able to search for them.



For a 20 minutes coaching unit 50 € are due. If desired we can also plan sessions of 40 minutes (100 €) or 60 minutes (150 €).


We may make one, two, five appointments – or as many sessions as are necessary to answer your questions about a career in the life sciences. Later follow-up appointments can be arranged at the appropriate time, for example at critical forks in your training. We talk about Skype, or about your preferred communication medium.

Personal appointments

We can also meet for face to face discussions.

  • Individual interview
  • Groups, schools, discussion circles
  • Presentations
  • Seminars

You can send me your question in writing by email and I will answer by email. This can also take the form of a chat. The billing of the time expenditure corresponds to the Skype conversations.